Expert care for voice, speech, language, swallow and cognitive conditions.
The list below describes common reasons for referrals for an SLP (Speech-Language Pathology) Evaluation. If this seems like you or someone you love, please reach out to your doctor or call LifeCare for more information.

My memory isn't what it used to be...
Forgetting things once in awhile happens to everyone, but if you notice more struggles or have made mistakes such as forgetting to turn the stove off or remember a special day or appointment, ask your doctor for an SLP Evaluation. Therapists can help distinguish between what is normal and what is not and provide memory strategy training to improve your memory skills.
I keep making mistakes..
If you are having trouble managing your finances, medications or household chores, SLP therapists can instruct you in compensatory techniques that will help you with planning and follow through on more complex tasks.

I can't seem to find the right words...
It's frustrating for you and for your listener if you notice troubles speaking the word that you want to say, feel that you are disorganized when you speak or you say the wrong words. Treatment can include word finding and speech production to improve your communication skills.
No one can hear me when I speak...
Everything from stress to disease or even surgery can cause changes to your voice. Assessment and treatment of voice production is a key component of improving your communication (and your happiness).

I cough sometimes when eating or drinking...
Coughing while eating or drinking, difficulties swallowing medication and unexplained weight loss are all signs of muscle weakness or discoordination and can be serious as it can lead to aspiration and pneumonia. Swallowing treatment helps prevent nutrition and hydration problems, pulmonary complications and can improve feeding and swallowing skills.
I have a chronic disease...
Individualized therapy plans of care for Dementia, Parkinson's Disease, MS, Stroke, and other cogenital or acquired conditions in which disability progresses over time. Our therapists will always include your family and caregivers for education and training.